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Saint Training - eBook [ePub]

  • By Elizabeth Fixmer
Electronic Media
Product Description

Mary Clare is on the lookout for a miracle. Mary Clare O Brian is determined to be a saint when she grows up (the halo will help cover her frizzy hair). But lately none of her prayers seem to be working the way she wants them to: her mother is losing her faith, her parents can t pay all the bills, and her brother receives a draft notice for the war in Vietnam. Mary Clare has a plan to help, but it just doesn t seem to be working. How is she supposed to become a saint when her world is falling apart? Dear Mother Superior, My name is Mary Clare O'Brian and I am in sixth grade. I would like to join the convent right after 8th grade before I start liking boys too much. I m already having problems with boys liking me. Gregory in my class throws spitballs at me and told my best friend he likes me. I haven t told him that I want to be God s bride yet. Do you think I should?

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9780310398066
    • Publisher: Zondervan
    • ISBN 13: 9780310398066
    • Publication Date: 09/01/2011
    • Format: Electronic Media
    • Author: Elizabeth Fixmer

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