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A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary
  • By C. Rhiannon Graybill, Steven L. McKenzie, John Kaltner
Product Description
An innovative translation and commentary on the book of Jonah by a trio of award-winning scholars

The book of Jonah, which tells the outlandish story of a disobedient prophet swallowed by a great fish, is one of the Bible's best-known narratives. This tale has fascinated readers for millennia and has inspired countless interpretations.

This commentary features a new translation of Jonah as well as an introduction outlining the major interpretive issues in the text. The introduction traces the composition history of the book, paying special attention to the psalm in the second chapter; and the authors explore new theories surrounding the time and place where Jonah delivers his message to Nineveh, as well as the city's act of repentance. In addition to these features, this volume draws on a variety of critical approaches to biblical literature--including affect theory, animal studies, performance criticism, postcolonial criticism, psychological criticism, spatial theory, and trauma theory--to reveal the book's many interpretive possibilities. An updated treatment of Jonah's reception history includes analyses of the story in religious traditions, art and literature, and popular culture.

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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9780300206678
    • Publisher: Yale Univ Pr
    • ISBN 13: 9780300206678
    • Publication Date: 10/10/2023
    • Format: Hardcover
    • Author: Steven L. McKenzie
    • Author: John Kaltner
    • Author: C. Rhiannon Graybill

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