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Growth Through Grief

A Widower's Guide to Healing and Renewed Purpose
  • By Tom Pisello
Product Description
There are very few books dealing with widowers, particularly men who have lost their spouse relatively early in life (in their 40s-60s as opposed to their 70s-90s) and the challenges they face. The author wrote this book to provide support and connection for this underserved segment of society, and to propose a healing and growth framework. Widowers will be attracted to this book, especially those who have lost a wife while in middle age and still may have teenagers. It will also be used by ministers and hospice workers who minister to grieving husbands. A grieving husband will find this book helpful in his need to now reset his life's expectations. This book will provide readers with a sense of brotherhood with other widowers. Those who teach classes on grief will find this book to be a valuable resource that they can read and pass on to those they minister to. The benefit this book offers is peace, comfort, and a path forward as a widower navigates the " new normal" of living life without their spouse. This book is special because it addresses a neglected niche, the widower. and more specifically a widower who is younger, perhaps in their 40s-60s. It also features poems and color artwork and will address the issue of loss from a practical, physical, emotional, and spiritual perspective. The message of this book is tied to this acronym: G.R.I.E.F. - Grace-Reflection-Intention-Elevation-Faith.
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    Product Specs
    • SKU: 9781958211748
    • ISBN 13: 9781958211748
    • Publication Date: 12/01/2023
    • Format: Paperback
    • Author: Tom Pisello

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